
Koncepcja Bramy Gdyńskiej

Supergut Studio2020

Traffic Design

Traffic Design
Gdynia, Polska

AUTHOR’S NOTE The Gdynia Gate is a light installation that, via its form, refers to triumphal arcs and city gates — constructions that manifested strength, brought communities together and guarded the citizens. Historically, in times of war, uncertainty and autocratic rule, architecture would shift to easily understandable and unambiguous classical forms. A stone arch — one of the most substantial structures found in architecture — holds a magnitude of connotations and interpretations. In this context the light arc is an oxymoron — a communal notion that all of us endorse as a way of searching for meaning and certainty in an uncertain world.

Pokaż mniejWięcej informacji
  • Tytuł: Koncepcja Bramy Gdyńskiej
  • Twórca: Supergut Studio
  • Data utworzenia: 2020
Traffic Design

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