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Girl with a Pearl Earring

Ян Вермеерc. 1665 (digitized by Madpixel)


Den Haag, Нидерланды

Girl with a Pearl Earring is Vermeer’s most famous painting. It is not a portrait, but a ‘tronie’ – a painting of an imaginary figure. Tronies depict a certain type or character; in this case a girl in exotic dress, wearing an oriental turban and an improbably large pearl in her ear.

Johannes Vermeer was the master of light. This is shown here in the softness of the girl’s face and the glimmers of light on her moist lips. And of course, the shining pearl.

  • Название: Girl with a Pearl Earring
  • Создатель: Johannes Vermeer
  • Дата создания: c. 1665 (digitized by Madpixel)
  • Фактические размеры: 44.5 x 38.1 cm
  • Происхождение: (?) Pieter Claesz van Ruijven, Delft, before 1674; (?) his widow, Maria de Knuijt, Delft, 1674-1681; (?) their daughter Magdalena van Ruijven, and Jacob Dissius, Delft, 1681-1682; (?) Jacob Dissius (with his father Abraham Dissius, 1685-1694), Delft, 1682-1695; Dissius sale, Amsterdam, 16 May 1696, lot 38 (f36,-), 39 (f17,-) or 40 (f17,-); Braams sale, The Hague, 1881 (day and month unknown) (f2,30 to Des Tombe); A.A. des Tombe, The Hague, 1881-1902 (on loan to the Mauritshuis in 1881); bequest of Arnoldus Andries des Tombe, The Hague, 1903
  • Тип: Painting
  • Внешняя ссылка: Gigapixel image digitized by Madpixel
  • Техника: Oil
  • Further Information: This image is part of Second Canvas Mauritshuis app

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