An impressionist painting, of four peasant girls in colorful patterned galabeyas, standing and directly facing the viewer. The one on the far left has her fingers steepled over her sternum, and is dressed in a blue patterned galabeya with and orange scarf tied over her head, her body angled towards the girl on her right. The girl on the right, older, is dressed in a blue and yellow patterned galabeya with an orange patterned scarf wrapped around her head. She is carrying the smallest girl, who is dressed in a yellow galabeya with an orange scarf wrapped around her head. The girl on the far right, the tallest girl, is dressed in an orange patterned galabeya with a brown and orange patterned scarf wrapped around her head, lifting the end of it to shyly hide the bottom half of her face.They are drawn against a plain black background.
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