" Water has memory: "Mnemonics", a division of the primordial waters, “like so above so below”, so that the water below if it is pure reflects the above one.
Japanese Masaru Emoto PhD., author of the book "Messages from Water", confirmed that water carries messages according to the physical world environment surrounding it; when taking photographs to the molecular structures of water, he found what was said by Van der Waals; a liquid drop of water is equal to 6H2O, its molecular structure is an hexagone in two dimensions and an octahedron in three dimensions.
In other words, 6 H2O molecules are required to form a drop of water. When we freeze water to -5 degrees Centigrade, it crystallizes; it becomes a 6-pointed star or 6 oxygens at the vertices; in the interior 12 hydrogen bonds structuring Van der Waals hydrogen bridges forming a beautiful star.
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