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Năframă de mire


Muzeul Naţional al Ţăranului Român

Muzeul Naţional al Ţăranului Român
Bucharest, România

Worn by the groom around his waist on the wedding day, the homespun scarf was made by the bride-to-be to show her weaving skills and diligence. After the wedding, it was kept around an icon, where it stayed until one of the spouses died. Then it was scalloped in two uneven parts. One part was placed in the coffin, while the other part would regain its place round the icon, until the death of the other spouse. The spouses were believed to be able to find one another again in afterlife by matching the two pieces.

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  • Titlu: Năframă de mire
  • Creator: necunoscut
  • Naționalitatea creatorului: Română
  • Dată: 1901/1925
  • Locație: România, Moldova
  • Proveniență: Muzeul Țăranului Român
  • Tip: Textil
  • Title: Năframă de mire
Muzeul Naţional al Ţăranului Român

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