Ichthyological study of two freshwater fish native to South America, including a guabine and catfish.
Figure 1. Guabine, Hoplias malabaricus Bloch, here styled le Guavina du lac de Valencia ou Tacarigua and Erythrinus guavina Humboldt. Shown in left profile at a scale of 1/3 of the natural size. Widely distributed through Southern Central and South America.
Figure 2. Catfish, Centrochir crocodile Humboldt here styled le Matacayman du Rio Magdalena and Doras crocodili Humboldt. Shown in left profile at a scale of 2/3 of the natural size with a further illustration of the jaws and teeth. Found in Rio Magdalena, South America.
Inscribed ‘Pl. XLVIII Dessiné par Huet, d’aprés des esquisses de Mr. de Humboldt. Gravé par Coutant. De l’Imprimerie de Langlois’, with an explanation to the plates on page 216 including the contemporary taxonomy ‘Pl. XLVIII, fig. 1. Erythrinus Guavina (p.179). Fig. 2. Doras Crocodili (p.181).’
Plate XLVI to Recherches sur Les Poissons Fluviatiles de L’Amérique Équinoxiale; par MM. De Humboldt et Valenciennes. Recueil d’Observations de zoologie et d’Anatomie compare, faites… Par al. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland, volume 2 (Paris, 1811-1833).
Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) German naturalist and traveller, elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1815.
Achille Valenciennes (1794-1865) French zoologist.