جارٍ التحميل

هانيبال على فيل

نديم كرم2015

Contemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

Contemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait
الشويخ الصناعية, الكويت

“Art is not religion and it is not dictatorial political system, art is a way to go in parallel with these things, where doubt can make things possible,” he says. “In short, art fragments fanaticism and that is why it is important for artistic voices to become louder in this part of the world. Artists are there to show the other side to the fanatics and the dictators. We come as an army and I have started it here with Hannibal and the Elephant.”

عرض أقلمزيد من المعلومات
  • العنوان: هانيبال على فيل
  • المؤلف: Nadim Karam
  • تاريخ الإنشاء: 2015
  • ‏‮Physical‬‏ ‏‮Location‬‏: Kuwait
  • موقع الإنشاء: Lebanon
  • التنسيق الفعلي: 25.5 x 3.5 x 36 cm
  • النوع: Sculpture
  • المواد: Super shiny stainless steel and corten steel
  • نوع العمل الفني: Sculpture
  • ‏‮Support‬‏: Steel
  • ‏‮Depicted‬‏ ‏‮Person‬‏: Hannibal
  • الموضوع الذي يصوّره العمل الفني: Sculpture, Hannibal, Elephant, Metal, Steel
  • Artist nationality: لبنان
Contemporary Art Platform (CAP) Kuwait

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