Rights: Museum purchase with funds donated by Lizbeth and George Krupp, Joyce and Edward Linde, Scott Nathan and Laura DeBonis, Barbara L. and Theodore B. Alfond, Cordover Family Foundation, Judith P. and S. Lawrence Schlager, Anonymous gift, Susan B. Kaplan, Clay Barr, and Irving W. Rabb, and by exchange from an Anonymous gift in memory of Charlotte Beebe Wilbour (1833-1914), William Francis Warden Fund, made possible by the generous assistance of John Axelrod, Bequest of Charles Cobb Walker, General Funds, The John Axelrod Collection, Bequest of Maxim Karolik, Gift of Mrs. Sidney T. Allen, Given in memory of Dr. William Hewson Baltzell by his wife, Alice Cheney Baltzell, John Gardner Coolidge Collection, Bequest of Frank Brewer Bemis, Gift of Mrs. Dows Dunham, Gift of Edward Jackson Holmes, Gift of Mrs. Forsyth Wickes, Gift of Mrs. George Linder, Juliana Cheney Edwards Collection, Gift of the Walpole Society, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Greene, Gift of Mrs. Albert J. Beveridge, Bequest of Helen S. Coolidge, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman Coolidge, Bequest of Charles Hitchcock Tyler, Gift of Miss M. H. Jewell, Gift of Mrs. Joseph Newhall Smith in memory of her husband, Gift of the Western Art Visiting Committee, Gift of the John Gardner Greene Trust, Otis Norcross Fund, Gift of Mrs. Francis B. Lothrop, Gift of the Trustees of the Reservation Estate of Mrs. John Gardner Coolidge, Gift of Dr. Henry J. Bigelow, Gift of Mrs. Albertine W. F. Valentine, residuary legatee under the will of Hervey E. Wetzel, Denman Waldo Ross Collection, Gift of Mrs. Henrietta Page, Gift of Frank Gair Macomber, The Elizabeth Day McCormick Collection, Gift of the Estate of Gertrude T. Taft, Susan Greene Dexter Fund, Bequest of Maxim Karolik, Bequest of Miss Amy M. Sacker, Gift of Mrs. Frances E. Perry, Gift of Mrs. Horatio Appleton Lamb in memory of Mrs. Winthrop Sargent, Gift of Mr. Edward Jackson Holmes, Beqeust of George Nixon Black, Gift of Mrs. Frederick T. Bradbury, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. William de Forest Thomson, Bequest of Susan Greene Dexter in memory of Charles and Martha Babcock Amory, Gift of Francis H. Bigelow, Gift of Bloomingdale's, John Wheelock Elliot and John Morse Elliot Fund, Bequest of Forsyth Wickes—The Forsyth Wickes Collection, Swan Collection—Gift of Miss Elizabeth Howard Bartol, Gift of Mrs. H. P. Sturgis, Gift of Mrs. Abbott Lawrence, Bequest of George Washington Wales, Alfred Greenough Collection, Gift of Mrs. Guy Lowell in memory of her husband, Guy Lowell, Gift of the Collection of Edward Jackson Holmes, Bequest of Gertrude T. Taft, Bequest of James W. Paige, Gift of Mrs. Henry Mason, Bequest of Mrs. John H. Thorndike, Gift of Richard Edwards, Gift of Miss Louise M. Nathurst, Jessie and Sigmund Katz Collection, The Phillip Leffingwell Spalding Collection—Given in his memory by Katharine Ames Spalding, Philip Spalding, Oakes Ames Spalding, and Hobart Ames Spalding, Gift of Roland Nickerson, Gift of George E. Cabot in memory of Eliza Hemenway Cabot, Bequest of Mrs. M. A. Elton, Turner Sargent Collection—Bequest of Mrs. Turner Sargent (Amelia J. Holmes), Gift of Dr. George L. Walton, Bequest of Emma M. Dimond, Gift of Mrs. Thomas P. Rich, Gift of Misses Catharine Langdon Rogers and Clara Bates Rogers, Bequest of Mrs. Edna H. Howe, and funds from Mary S. and Edward Jackson Holmes Fund and William Francis Warden Fund. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. All Rights Reserved.