The Royal Danish Playhouse in Copenhagen is the national centre of dramatic art, tailored in every detail for top-level theatre productions. The playhouse is designed by architects Boje Lundgaard and Lene Tranberg. The Royal Danish Playhouse in Copenhagen is the national centre of dramatic art, tailored in every detail for top-level theatre productions. The centre has three stages: Store Scene, Portscene, and Lille Scene with a total seating capacity of 1000. The building consists of three compositional elements:
The oak-clad promenade, a public walk floating on thin columns over the water, gives access to the foyer with its panoramic views of the harbour and historic skyline. The scene building, containing the auditorium and three scenes, echoes the material character of the harbour front with rustic brickwork and copper-clad tower. The expansive and unifying roof level contains personnel facilities and gives spectacular views in all directions through varying nuances of green glass. The dark, elongated brick used throughout the building is, like the red chairs of the auditorium, specially designed and developed for playhouse by the office.