"Agustí Ferrer Pino was born in Sitges in 1884. He studied at the LLotja School where he had Agapito Vallmitjana as a teacher. He travelled to Madrid and to several countries in Europe and Africa in order to extend his trainings. The fascination he felt for the Egyptian civilization becomes visible in some of his works.
He practiced drawing, easel and mural painting. Some remarkable examples, like the façade and the main hall of the Casino Prado, are preserved in Sitges, also the chapel of St. John the Baptist hospital or the apse of Our Lady of Vinyet. He was the author of the design and the execution of the “Drac of Sitges” in 1922.
His work deals with different topics including landscaping. He was one of the painters from the “Luminista” School that set his ease at the Sitges beach to catch the light and the life of this place."