جارٍ التحميل

Hormuz Larin

ريم تينا غزال2014

FIND : NYU Abu Dhabi / New York

FIND : NYU Abu Dhabi / New York
الإمارات العربية المتحدة

One of Mr. al Mutairi’s most cherished coins, and one of the important forms of coinage used here, is the Hormuz Larin (900-1200H) or Tawelat Al Ihsaa. “They were very popular as a maritime trade currency and used widely between the ports in the area and the region.”

Image created by FIND Contributor Rym Tina Ghazal for her story “The Coins and Currency Detective.”

عرض أقلمزيد من المعلومات
FIND : NYU Abu Dhabi / New York

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