When you are practicing this pose, your body resembles a peacock with its feathers spread out behind. It is an excellent balancing exercise. In addition, with just a few seconds’ work, you will have strengthened many of the muscles in your body and toned your lungs and abdominal organs. Relax afterwards in Child’s Pose.
“This āsana cures diseases of the stomach, glands and spleen, and removes all diseases caused by an excess of wind (Vāta), bile (Pitta) and phlegm (Kapha). It easily digests food taken immoderately and promiscuously.” – Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā, chapter 1, v. 32
• Because of the pressure on the abdomen, the blood is directed to the digestive organs. As the intra-abdominal pressure is increased, the abdominal organs are toned.
• Liver, pancreas, stomach, and spleen are invigorated.
• The nerves and muscles connected with the kidneys and intestines are revitalized.
• Sluggishness of the liver or hepatic torpidity disappears.
• The Peacock is an invaluable aid against problems of constipation, indigestion, diabetes and piles.
• The arm muscles are strengthened.
• Concentration and determination increase.
• Mental balance is promoted.
• Lethargy is removed.