Portrait postcard of Hugh A. Franklin (1889-1962) a member of the Men's Political Union for Women's Enfranchisement.'.
Franklin was brought up in a Jewish family, many of whose members were active in the suffrage movement. He took part in the Women's Social and Political Union campaign from 1909 and joined the Men's League for Women's Suffrage. In 1910 Franklin joined the Men's Political Union for Women's Enfranchisement (MPU), and became a committee member and assistant organiser. After taking part in the 'Black Friday' demonstration of November 1910, he took a whip to Home Secretary Winston Churchill, whom he held responsible for violent policing during 'Black Friday'. As a result, Franklin was imprisoned in Pentonville, where he went on hunger strike. He served two more prison sentences for suffrage activities. When released under the 'Cat and Mouse' Act, Franklin escaped to the Continent. In 1915 he married suffragette Elsie Duval, sister of Victor Duval, founder of the MPU. Franklin later ran for election as a Labour MP.