
Combat d'un Habitant de Finemarck conte un Ours

Charles Eisen

Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum

Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum
Tromsø, Norvège

A man fighting a bear. The bear holds his paws in the man's chest, while the man stabs the bear in its side. The image has a drawn frame, and the French title is printed underneath. As we can see Eisen used his fantasy to picture the situation and the bear, and we can imagine that he did this also for the man stabbing the bear. We can't find any historical sources that show clothing matching that we can see in the picture, it is rather similar to the French style at the time. It is unclear if Eisen ever went to Finnmark. Eisen was a court painter to Louis XV of France and drawing-master to Madame de Pompadour.

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  • Titre: Combat d'un Habitant de Finemarck conte un Ours
  • Créateur: Charles Eisen
  • Dimensions physiques: 18x14 cm
  • Type: Print
  • Support: Woodcut
Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum

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