Ritratto d'artista realizzato da Alberto Blasettidurante il working progress
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Titolo: Ritratto di Insa
Creatore: Insa
Nazionalità dell'autore: british
Luogo di nascita dell'autore: England
Genere dell'autore: male
Data: 2015
Luogo di creazione: Ex Caserma Guido Reni
Productions: Outdoor - Here, Now.
Photographer's name: Alberto Blasetti
Bio: Insa was born in England, and he started painting when he was 12 years old. Today is one of the most innovative and respected writer in the United Kingdom. He's known for his ability to create artworks that are a mix of different and colorful elements, in a constant creative research and experimentation. He became famous for his “Gif – iti” which are animated gif that he creates with his graffiti.