Poster, printed, paper, monochrome, announcing a 'Great Demonstration' organised at the Colston Hall, Bristol on 4 Nov 1880 'To adopt a Memorial to her Majesty's Government praying for the Extension of the Parliamentary Franchise to Women Ratepayers, Landowners in Boroughs and Counties'; speakers advertised include Agnes Beddoe, Lydia Becker, Edith Downing, Catherine Osler, Alice Scatcherd, Emily Sturge, Jessie Craigen, Lilias Ashworth Hallett, Henrietta Muller and Helen Taylor. This is one of the earliest known suffrage posters. Agnes Beddoe (d 1914) was a prominent member of the Bristol and Clifton branch of the women's suffrage movement and was a powerful public speaker. Helen Taylor (1831-1907) was also a speaker. She was a feminist writer, actress and step-daughter of John Stuart Mill. Helen was active in the women's suffrage campaign and one of the original members of the Kensington Society.