Composition in gray, blue, earthy, ochre and red. Smooth and thick texture in some regions and marked brushstrokes. It depicts Jesus being beaten by two soldiers. In the foreground, the center Jesus profile for the on the right knees on the right leg carrying cross over the on the left shoulder. It wears long tunic, gray, and crown of thorns on his head. Look in the direction of your on the right hand is with the open palm. In the background, behind the cross, two soldiers; both wear coats, boots and helmets and look toward Jesus. The on the left faces and is part of the body covered by the cross, has the on the right arm raised holding in his hand a whip with which looks like it will flog Jesus and on the left straight hand and hand on the cross; the soldier on the right, also is facing and has the on the left arm folded across his chest embracing the cross and on the right arm raised holding in his hand a whip with which it also appears that will flog Jesus. Background with geometrical areas in shades of blue and gray and the floor, also with geometrical areas, farmearthy and ochre tones.