The Kodak Coquette, introduced in 1930, included a Kodak Petite camera, like the Ensemble of the previous year. This time, the color selection was strictly blue. The exterior was a striking face with a geometric Art Deco pattern in two tones of blue enamel and nickel designed by Walter Dorwin Teague (American, 1883–1960). Inside, the camera used 127 roll film to produce 1⅝ x 2½-inch images. Packaged with a matching lipstick and compact, the Coquette aimed at high style and was marketed to “the smart, modern girl . . . a bit of Paris at your Kodak dealer’s.” The Teague-designed gift box was a striking silver and black with a geometric pattern. Including matching cosmetics by Coty, the retail price for the set was $12.50.