Ducky Tse has embarked on his career in journalism and professional photography for more than a decade. Over the years he has systematically recorded the city transition of Hong Kong and the relationship between people and city space. Examples are West Kowloon Reclamation Project and Hong Kong Political Landscape Series. In 1990s, Tse spent most of this decade roaming around the city, the streets, its bustling urban districts, tunnels, shopping malls and back alleys, visiting and shooting photos. He shot the “vanishing” cityscapes one by one. The City Flâneur series showcases the constantly changing cityscape of Hong Kong over the last decade or more. The images of figures typifying the proverbial ‘little man’ have the effect of evoking memories from viewers, and although the significance of the recollection may differ from person to person, the empathetic link is always there.