The five Pandava brothers, led by Yudishthira, are Krishna's kinsmen, who seek his counsel on many occasions in the Mahabharata. This epic details their struggle against the Kauravas, their cousins, for control of the kingdom.
Yudishthira said: "What do you think Krishna, now that the time has come? For in this miserable affair whom else can we quietly consult but you, Krishna, best of men?" The blessed Lord said: "I expect only war with the others, for all the portents pointing that way are clear to me. The cries of beast and fowl are fearsome; at the onset of night elephants and horses assume fearful shapes, and the fire burns with many colors, which is a sign of evil. This would not be so unless dread death had arrived to destroy the world of men. Let all your warriors ready their arms, their arrows and armor and elephants, their banners and chariots; let them finish their training and sit ready on horse, vehicle, and elephant. All the gear that is needed for warfare, Yudishthira, make sure that all is at hand and complete." From the Mahabharata
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