Panel A is the principal panel of the relief, hosting a ruler in the upper register who presides over the ceremony. He is seated on a high-backed throne framed by two tables set with food and vessels. He is accompanied by attendants; a group of individuals wearing long-garments; a weapon-bearer/chief archer (carrying a bow, quiver and sword); archers; six harp players and a conductor. The remainder of the group comprises more than one hundred similarly represented individuals in short kilted garments. Most participants hold a morsel of meat in the right hand in front of the mouth. Distinctions in scale between the ruler, who reaches 46 cm high in a sitting position, and the rest of the figures, who range 32-62 cm in height when standing, are far less marked than the scale differences that characterize the later reliefs at the site. Their position in the social hierarchy is instead determined by their position, activities and type of garment.