
Leather shoe fragment

XIXe siècle

Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario

Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario
London, Canada

Four heel fragments from leather shoes were recovered from a midden during ASI’s 2004 excavation of the Edgar Site. Based on their location, we can suppose the shoes were worn out and no longer useful, as midden features are sites used for the disposal of domestic waste. Located in the City of Vaughan, Ontario, the Edgar site represents a 19th century rural homestead where a total of 10,665 Euro-Canadian artifacts were found during Stage 3 and 4 excavations.

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  • Titre: Leather shoe fragment
  • Date de création: XIXe siècle
  • Lieu: Vaughan, Ontario
  • Type: Clothing
  • Droits: Brad Phillips, Museum of Archaeology
  • Support: Leather, metal
Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario

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