It is a species that originates in south Himalaya, it was known in China, India and in the Mesopotamian civilization for its antiseptic, antirheumatic and toning properties. It is considered sacred in Islamic countries, it was mostly used as antidote against venom. In ancient Egypt it was used to embalm mummies and it was often placed in tombs with dates and figs.Greek mythology narrates that Arethusa, daughter of Esperis, she was the keeper of the garden of hesperides in which beautiful trees representing love and prosperity used to grow. These trees are traditionally identified as citrus trees. Hercules gifted Zeus with these fruits and was gifted with immortality. In Sicily the lemon tree was introduced by the Arabs at the end of the IX century B.C. The origin of the name derives from Persian (لیمو Limu). Among the citruses, lemon is the species that flowers the most, during the year it constantly produces fruit and flowers.