Cordier, Andrew W. [Carta] 1957 July 25, New York, NY [para] Cyro de Freitas-Valle,
New York, NY. [inglês][datilografado]
Dear Cyro,
As I indicate to you yesterday, our technicians, on measuring the Portinari murals, discovered that they were slightly oversize to fit he area. As a result it will be necessary for them to be cut down a few inches on all sides. At the lower end it will be necessary to cut them by something like a foot and a half in order to take into account the cold air vente at that point. Also, at a certain point are balcony protrudes into the wall and a cut will have to be made at that point.
It does not appear that any of these cuts will impair any of the figures on the murals.
As I indicated, none of these cuts would need to be made if the murals were placed on the wall in the North Lobby.
We would appreciate it if you would bring the above information to the attention of Mr. Portinari. For some reason the exact measure which were given to him were slightly exceeded in the actual production of the mural.
I should like to confirm that September 7th is a satisfactory date for the reception.
Very sincerely yours,
Andrew W. Cordier,
Executive Assistant to
the Secretary-General