

Betty Chamberlain

Projeto Portinari

Projeto Portinari
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Comenta que Earl Brown sugeriu que, quando os Portinaris, forem a Nova York, visitem o Harlem. Sugere também a companhia de Florence Horn. Agradece e elogia uma gravura de Portinari.

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  • Título: Correspondência
  • Criador: Betty Chamberlain
  • Data de criação: 1941-12-26
  • Local: New York NY, Washington USA
  • Procedência: Acervo do Projeto Portinari
  • Palavras-chave do assunto: Vida Artística, Viagens, Estados Unidos
  • Transcrição:
    CO-1255 Chamberlain, Betty. [Carta] 1941 Dec. 26, New York, NY [para] Maria Portinari; Candido Portinari, Washington, USA. [inglês][datilografado] Dear Maria e Portinari, Earl Brown has suggested that when you come to New York in January, we shoul spend an evening in Harlem. He says he has some friends (negros) whom he is sure you would like and he hopes you will have a free evening. I wonder if you and the Browns and Florence Horn would come to my house for buffet supper either Monday January 5 or Tuesday January 6? From there we would go up to Harlem either to the Brown’s house or to some place they suggest. I think we could all have fun, and I do hope you will have the time. Earl is very anxious to see you both again. He enjoyed it so much before. And of course Florence and I are always anxious to see you. Won’t you let me know what evening you think will be best? If you will be here later than the 6th January, perhaps you would prefer to make it later. Any night is all right for us. It was so much fun tom have the opportunity to see you again during the past week. I am only sorry it could not be for longer – I would like to have you stay here all winter at last. Did you have a nice Christmas in Washington? I hope so. Have you seen Churchill? I am enjoying my drypoint very much. You must come to my house anyway so you can see my Portinari pictures at home. I shall look forward to seeing you. Please give my love to your family and come and see us soon. Love from Betty Chamberlain 2
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  • Tipo: carta
  • Editora: Projeto Portinari
  • Link externo:
  • Direitos: Betty Chamberlain
  • Tipo de dado na Coleção: CO
  • Número: 1255
Projeto Portinari

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