
Letter from Governor Wanton to the Commander Dudingston of the Schooner Gaspee Letter from Governor Wanton to the Commander Dudingston of the Schooner Gaspee, page 2

Wanton, Joseph, 1705-178018th Century

Rhode Island State Archives

Rhode Island State Archives
Providence, United States

Having received notice that Gaspee was harassing local ships, Governor Wanton wrote to her commander: "A number of the inhabitants of this Colony have complained to me of your having, in a most illegal and unwarrantable manner, interrupted their trade, by searching and detaining every little packet boat plying between several towns."

Having received notice that Gaspee was harassing local ships, Governor Wanton wrote to her commander: "A number of the inhabitants of this Colony have complained to me of your having, in a most illegal and unwarrantable manner, interrupted their trade, by searching and detaining every little packet boat plying between several towns."

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  • Title: Letter from Governor Wanton to the Commander Dudingston of the Schooner Gaspee Letter from Governor Wanton to the Commander Dudingston of the Schooner Gaspee, page 2
  • Creator: Wanton, Joseph, 1705-1780, Wanton, Joseph, 1705-1780
  • Date Created: 18th Century, 18th Century
  • Location Created: Rhode Island, Rhode Island
  • Type: Document, Document
  • Rights: Record is in the public domain. Courtesy of the Rhode Island State Archives., Record is in the public domain. Courtesy of the Rhode Island State Archives.
  • Medium: Ink on Paper, Ink on Paper
Rhode Island State Archives

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