

George Macy

Projeto Portinari

Projeto Portinari
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Mostra-se satisfeito com a resposta positiva de Portinari, aceitando fazer a ilustração do livro de Hans Staden, a ser editado no Brasil, por José Olympio. Faz um resumo das negociações com o editor, que sugeriu o nome de Portinari como ilustrador. Convida o pintor a ir ao escritório para maiores detalhes. Informa o valor do pagamento e sugere que, se ele voltar ao Rio, entre em contato com o editor.

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  • Título: Correspondência
  • Criador: George Macy
  • Data de criação: 1940-11-26
  • Local: New York NY
  • Procedência: Acervo do Projeto Portinari
  • Palavras-chave do assunto: Arte/Cultura, Ilustrações, Vida Artística, Viagens, Estados Unidos
  • Transcrição:
    CO-3099 Macy, George; Limited Editions Club. [Carta] 1940 Nov. 26, New York, NY [para] Candido Portinari, New York, NY. [inglês][datilografado] Dear Mr. Portinari I am happy to have your note, and to know that you are interested in making illustrations for our book to be printed in Brazil. The Limited Editions Club is engaged in making fine editions of the classics. It often happens that, when one of the classics refers to a foreign country, we ave the work illustrated and printed in that country. I am sending you a prospectus which shows the books we are going to publish during the coming year, and which you may be interested in looking at; and I am sending you also a copy of a booklet showing sample pages from books we have published in the past. I have for more than a year been corresponding with Senor Jose Olympio, over the project of printing a book for The Limited Editions Club in Rio. It was he who wrote me last year, to suggest that I should look at some of your paintings in the Brazilian Pavilion at our World’s Fair; he referred to you as an old friend of his, and said thet he would be very pleased to introduce your work to American book collectors. I believe the best book for us to print in Brazil is The True History of Hans Staden. This is the story of a German who was captured by the savages in the sixteenth century. It is a remarkably fine yarn. Although I don’t suppose you can read it in English, it is readily available in Spanish and Portuguese editions. I am sending you with this package a copy of the edition in English. If you are interested in making illustrations for this book, the task of making the illustrations will be left completely in your hands. We will pay you our standard fee, of one thousand dollars; this is for the right to reproduce the pictures, since the original drawings themselves are returned to you. Then, if you are going back to Rio, you might meet with Senor Olympio, to discuss with him the reproduction of the pictures. But I would like to see you before you go, in order that we might discuss the method by which the pictures are to be made. If you could find time to visit this office, where you could look at some of our books, I could arrange to have an interpreter here so that we could converse about the problem; or, if you are too busy, I could arrange to visit you. Please let me know. Cordially yours George Macy Director
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  • Tipo: carta
  • Editora: Projeto Portinari
  • Link externo:
  • Direitos: George Macy
  • Tipo de dado na Coleção: CO
  • Número: 3099
Projeto Portinari

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