

Harrison Becker

Projeto Portinari

Projeto Portinari
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Acusa recebimento de carta, argumentando não entender o que pode ter causado as más condições de chegada das pinturas. Informa que a venda de dois quadros era só um rumor, mas que havia interesse na compra de um, caso Portinari tivesse ido a Chicago como estava combinado. Diz que o Pan American Council ofereceu-se para dividir o custo do transporte e que estão negociando a estadia dos Portinaris na International House da Universidade de Chicago. Comenta alguma complicação com os retratos dos filhos de Rockefeller. Pede o envio da nota fiscal referente à exposição, para acerto de contas.

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  • Título: Correspondência
  • Criador: Harrison Becker
  • Data de criação: 1940-12-11
  • Local: Chicago IL, New York NY
  • Procedência: Acervo do Projeto Portinari
  • Transcrição:
    CO-653 Dear Mr. Porter: Thanks for your letters of December 4. First of all, I have investigated the packing of the paitings and the packer is prepared to furnish a statement that there was ample material and support used in packing the pictures. We are constantly packing important pictures with carved and ornamented frames thar arrive in good order, and can not understand what could have caused these to arrive in bad condition. I regret to say that the sale of two drawings was only rumor, but there was a definite interest in one of the paintings that I am certain would have been a sale if the Portinari’s had come on to Chicago as planned. We tried everything to get them here; the Pan-American Council offered to share with us the transportation, and arrangements were made to entertain the Portinari’s at International House of the University of Chicago during their stay. Even the vice-consul of Brazil, Mr. Leos, wrote them, and as he is a personal friend, they could be assured our intentions were of the best. Complications seemed to arise about the painting of Mr. Nelson Rockefeller’s children. The details you doubtless know. After two long distance calls they decided they would not accept. The episode was certainly more than I could understand and we certainly regretted that we could not have the Portinari’s here, as it would undoubtedly have meant more than one sale. The debit number 55702 is merely a shipping memorandum and is only for your files. As for the rental of the exhibition, will you please send me an invoice? I will attend to it promptly. Mr. Vernon Porter (2) Do let me know if you need any more help in collecting the insurance on the shipment. Sincerely yours Harrison Becker Picture Galleries
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  • Tipo: carta
  • Editora: Projeto Portinari
  • Link externo:
  • Direitos: Harrison Becker
  • Tipo de dado na Coleção: CO
  • Número: 653
Projeto Portinari

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