

Reeves Lewenthal

Projeto Portinari

Projeto Portinari
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Convida Portinari a pertencer à Associação dos Artistas Americanos, fornecendo informações a respeito.

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  • Título: Correspondência
  • Criador: Reeves Lewenthal
  • Data de criação: 1945-09-12
  • Local: New York NY, Rio de Janeiro RJ
  • Procedência: Acervo do Projeto Portinari
  • Transcrição:
    CO-2743 Associated American Artists; Lewenthal, Reeves. [Carta] 1945 Sept. 12, New York, NY [para] Candido Portinari, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. 2 p. [inglês][datilografado] Dear Senor Portinari: The artist members o four organization as well as the Gallery staff have long respect your fine talent. At our annual meeting held last night, there were a number of expressions of interest in having you join our group. I am not at all sure whether you know much about us, and I am, therefore, briefly outlining here a few salient points concerning our organization: The Associated American Artists operates on a purely business basis and on a national scale. We maintain the largest and the most attractive galleries in America, both in New York and in Chicago. I am enclosing a reprint from an architectural magazine which contains several reproductions of our New York and Mid-Western galleries. Organizational policy is controlled by a Board of Governors which is made up of myself and a number of artists members who are elected annually. Quality is guarded with great care. We have three divisions: (a) Our galleries, through which we sell the creative products of our members, (b) A Publishing Division, through which we issue etchings, lithographs, color reproductions, monographs, etc. (c) A Special Services Division, which operates in an effort to integrate artists with industry – that is, the securing of commissions for special assignments On all sales of paintings made, we take 33–1/3 %. I am sending under separate cover several pieces of literature which will give you a clear picture of the scope of our activities. A friend of mine who has been visiting in Brazil recently wrote me that he had the pleasure of seeing a group of your paintings and that he believed you have enough things for an exhibition in this country. If this is so, I feel that we could do an excellent job in properly presenting your work. If you are interested in our proposal, I would appreciate having such an expression from you and I will be very glad to fill in all other details and send you additional information. With my very best regards, Cordially yours, Reeves Lewenthal Chairman, Board of Governors.
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  • Tipo: carta
  • Editora: Projeto Portinari
  • Link externo:
  • Direitos: Reeves Lewenthal
  • Tipo de dado na Coleção: CO
  • Número: 2743
Projeto Portinari

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