

Rockwell Kent

Projeto Portinari

Projeto Portinari
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Agradece a hopitalidade dos Portinaris duarnte sua estadia no Rio de Janeiro. Informa que seus quadros chegaram em boas condições e que Feliz Wildenstein mostrou-se interessado em expor obras de Portinari em sua galeria.

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  • Título: Correspondência
  • Criador: Rockwell Kent
  • Data de criação: 1938-01-09
  • Local: Au Sable Forks NY, Rio de Janeiro RJ
  • Procedência: Acervo do Projeto Portinari
  • Palavras-chave do assunto: Vida Artística, Exposições, convites, Vida Artística, Obras de arte, transporte
  • Transcrição:
    CO-2443 Kent, Rockwell. [Carta] 1938 Jan. 9, Au Sable Forks, NY [para] Candido Portinari, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. [inglês][datilografado] Dear Portinari: After reaching New York, I came home here just long enough to do up a few presents for Christmas, among them a package of books for you. Then I returned to near New York to spend Christmas and New Year’s at my mother’s. Now I am back. And now, in the midst of answering several hundreds of letters that have accumulated for me, I can take at least a little time to write to you. I must begin by thanking you and Maria for your hospitality and friendship during my stay in Rio. I hope that we have begun a friendship that will last always. I got the painting to New York in perfect condition, and had it framed immediately. It is beautiful, and it made a strong impression on everybody to whom I sowed it. I am now looking forward to receiving the portrait. A few days ago, I called on Felix Wildenstein, whim I consider to be the most honorable of picture dealers, and the man of most prestige in New York. He has galleries also in Paris and London. I told him about your work, and asked him if he would consider exhibiting it. He showed great interest, asked me to secure photographs of it, but told me that his gallery was already schedule to be occupied with various exhibitions until next spring, that he could not in any case show your work before them. Nevertheless, I beg you to send me as soon as possible the best photographs that you have of as much of your as possible. It should include a number of your best portraits. I would particularly like a photograph of the one that Zanthaky took me out to see. I still recall, and vividly, its loveliness. When I have cleared up the volume of correspondence and work that is before me, I’ll send you some books on American art. Meanwhile, remember that I have your interests at heart, and that I’ll do everything in my power to make it possible for you to come to America during 1938. Give me affectionate regards to your wife and your sister, and believe me Faithfully yours, Rockwell Kent
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  • Tipo: carta
  • Editora: Projeto Portinari
  • Link externo:
  • Direitos: Rockwell Kent
  • Tipo de dado na Coleção: CO
  • Número: 2443
Projeto Portinari

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