

Rockwell Kent

Projeto Portinari

Projeto Portinari
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Agradece o pequeno livro sobre os trabalhos de Portinari, especialmente os realizados para o Ministério da Educação. Comenta que tem escrito para ele, mas as cartas não são recebidas. E que recebe as de Portinari com muito atraso. Pede que Portinari o avise sobre sua ida aos Estados Unidos, pois quer estar em Nova York para recebê-lo.

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  • Título: Correspondência
  • Criador: Rockwell Kent
  • Data de criação: 1940-01-25
  • Local: Au Sable Forks NY, Rio de Janeiro RJ
  • Procedência: Acervo do Projeto Portinari
  • Transcrição:
    CO-2449 Kent, Rockwell. [Carta] 1940 Jan. 25, Au Sable Forks, NY [para] Candido Portinari, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. [inglês][datilografado] Dear Candido: The beautiful little book about your work published by the Ministry of Education has just come to me. I am happy at having such fine reproductions of your paintings, and even more happy at the indication that this booklet is that your work for the Ministry of Education has been tremendously liked and that you are given that recognition in Brazil which you so deserve. I don’t know what becomes of our correspondence to each other. I write to you and you never receive my letters. You write to me and if I do receive them your letters come months after you sent them. Your lithographs, if you remember, where a good part of a year in getting to me. Once it was my fault that letters of mine didn’t reach you for I had used an old address. I hope that the address to which I am now sending this letter is your present one. Don’t fail to let me know if your plans to visit the United States become definite. I would like to be able to be in New York to receive you and I shall certainly want you to visit me here in the country. My heartiest best wishes to you and your sweet wife, Faithfully yours, Rockwell
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  • Tipo: carta
  • Editora: Projeto Portinari
  • Link externo:
  • Direitos: Rockwell Kent
  • Tipo de dado na Coleção: CO
  • Número: 2449
Projeto Portinari

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