This letter from Mrs. J.J. Goldsborough, Director of Guidance and Counselling at Dudley High School, apparently to Chancellor Gordon William Blackwell of Woman's College of the University of North Carolina (WCUNC, now The University of North Carolina at Greensboro) is dated December 18, 1959. The writer represents Greensboro's segregated high school for black students, and solicits participation by WCUNC at a college recruiting function to be held on Dudley's campus. An attached memo notes that Greensboro City Schools Superintendent Phillip J. Weaver believes the best course of action would be to "merely say that it will not be possible for us to send a representative." The letter and response are noteworthy in light of the controversy over integrating both public schools and universities in North Carolina. The attached note suggests that the superintendent of the Charlotte public schools was also consulted.