While the economic boycott was being waged in the cities there was considerable unrest in the rural areas of Sekhukhuneland, Rustenburg, Zeerust and Pondoland and in some of these the unrest verged an open revolt. The actual issues varied from area to area and centred around opposition to the introduction on Bantu Authorities, the rehabilitation scheme and extension of passes to African women. In Sekhukhuneland a chief who co operated with the government was assasinated and the attempts of the Nats to introduce Bantu Authorities were wrecked for quite some time and only after harsh measures had been taken was the government able to impose the hated system. The opposition was led by Godfrey Sekhukhune, a member of the Pedi Royal House and by Madinoge, a patriot who attracted much attention when Judge Theron sentenced her and about 15 men to death for the alleged murder of the chief. The sentences were later communted to life imprisonment. Godfrey Sekhukhune was banished to Zululand.
Few areas in the country have fought so stubbornly and so long against Bantu Authorities and passes for
African women as Zeerust where Chief Abraham Moilwas led the reistance of his people. Areas such as these are usually inaccesible to the press and government repressive measures often reach shocking levels of cruelty. Here scores of innocent people were arrested, prosecuted and jailed, banished, beaten up, tortured and murdered. After facing this ferocious onslaught for many months the courageous chief and a substantial section of his people were forced to flee to Botswana, then known as Bechuanaland.
Similar issues sparked off violent resistance in Rustenburg under Chief Mabi and in Eastern