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Ausgewogenheit des Lichts

Sam Elgreco2019-08

Calle Libre - Festival for Urban Aesthetics

Calle Libre - Festival for Urban Aesthetics
Wien, Österreich

Sam Elgreco, born in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1986, moved to Buenos Aires to study fine arts and design, where he discovered his passion for painting in public spaces. Influenced by the graffiti movement, he experimented with different materials and techniques to develop his own approach to large-format painting, seeking to fuse space with his pictorial language and transform the landscape and his work into a single entity.

Since his beginnings in 2000, Elgreco has gone through several aesthetic stages, culminating in his current style of geometric abstraction. His work is characterized by a compositional and color research, breaking with classic geometric forms and using light, shadow, volume, and optical effects to create a 3D illusion. Drawing inspiration from different cityscapes, Elgreco's sketches and large-scale works serve as a communication platform.

Over the years, Elgreco has gained experience in various projects across the globe, working with public spaces, private entities, festivals, architects, museums, galleries, collectors, and brands in cities such as Buenos Aires, Punta Del Este, Sao Paulo, Barcelona, London, Mexico City, Washington DC, Jacksonville, Miami, and Tokyo.

In his studio, Elgreco explores new techniques and textures using different materials such as paper, wood, glass, and metal to generate different supports, emphasizing movement and different temperatures of light in his paintings. He has participated in several exhibitions with galleries such as Elsi Del Rio Contemporary Art, Azur Gallery, Union Gallery, Fortabat Museum, and the Museum of Architecture of the city of Buenos Aires, among others. His most outstanding works include paintings on canvas, collages on wood, sculptures, and volumetric pieces.

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  • Titel: Ausgewogenheit des Lichts
  • Ersteller: Sam Elgreco
  • Datierung: 2019-08
  • Ort: Westbahnhofgelände, 1150 Wien
  • Rechte: Jolly Schwarz Photography
  • Material: Spraydose, Acrylfarbe
Calle Libre - Festival for Urban Aesthetics

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