

Veillon, Margo1931

The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies

The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies
Egypt, Égypte

Pencil illustration of a scene of a fenced garden underneath a large tree. The garden is sectioned off with different plants. There are two gardeners, dressed in galabeyas, crouching down and tending the garden.

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  • Titre: Maadi
  • Créateur: Veillon, Margo
  • Durée de vie du créateur: 1907-2003
  • Nationalité du créateur: Swiss
  • Date de création: 1931
  • Lieu: American University in Cairo, Egypt
  • Dimensions physiques: 29.7 cm x 22.2 cm
  • Mots clés du sujet: Art, Egyptian -- 20th century.
  • Transcription:
    Margo Veillon,Maadi,1931
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  • Type: drawings (visual works)
  • Droits: To inquire about rights and permissions, contact the Rare Books and Special Collections Library, The American University in Cairo at +20.2.2615.3676 or
  • Genre artistique: landscapes (representations)
  • Mouvement artistique: Realism (style)
  • Forme d'expression artistique: pencil drawings
  • Support: paper, pencil on paper
The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies

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