Title: Madonna and Child Enthroned, eight angels and two saints
Creator Lifespan: around 1360 - 1390
Creator Nationality: Italian
Creator Gender: Male
Creator Birth Place: Florence
Date: around 1375 - 1380
Provenance: Alberto Crespi Collection
Physical Dimensions: w41.1 x h45.8 cm
Painter: Master of the Ashmolean Museum
Description: This panel depicts the Madonna and Child enthroned, with the Child holding a bird in his left hand. Eight saints stand around them, and two angels kneel at their feet with offerings. The artist, following the example of Jacopo di Cione, renders the characters in a lively manner, as is also true in other works attributed to him. They look at one another with expressive glances. The painting has probably been cut at the top, and was originally in the form of a round arch, a widespread format used in traditional representations of the Crucifixion. Based on comparisons with other paintings that are attributed to this artist by art historians, the panel could be dated around 1375-1380.