
Maesta of Santa Trinita

Cimabue1280 - 1290

Uffizi Gallery

Uffizi Gallery
Florence, Italie

As recorded by 16th century sources from the Vallombrosan church of Santa Trinita in Florence, the panel (1280-90) was originally on the main altar. In the 17th century it was in the infirmary of the convent and from 1765 it was moved to the sacristy and then transported to the Accademia in 1810, following the suppression of religious orders by the French. It has been in the Uffizi since 1919. The writing on the scrolls refer to the mystery of the Incarnation and to the virginity of Mary.

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  • Titre: Maesta of Santa Trinita
  • Créateur: Cenni di Pepo Cimabue
  • Lieu de naissance du créateur: Firenze (Italy)
  • Lieu de décès du créateur: Firenze(Italy)
  • Date de création: 1280 - 1290
  • Dimensions physiques: w2230 x h3850 mm
  • Style: Gotic/Altarpiece
  • Provenance: Church of Santa Trinita in Florence
  • Original Title: Maestà di Santa Trinita
  • Type: painting
  • Support: Tempera on panel
Uffizi Gallery

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