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Man's Awakening or The Age of Bronze

Auguste Rodin1877/1877

Scan The World

Scan The World

The artist’s figures are sensual and imbued with intense emotion. The bodies are in constant motion and characterized by great energy and force. It is as though human beings are growing from or trying to break out of the stone or clay. Rodin’s sculptures differed from the traditional classicist tradition. In the 19th century, many sculptures were idealised and had a literary content, conveyed through historical costumes or symbols.

These 3D scans have been produced with an Artec Eva with the ambition to produce a digital representation as close to the original as possible. However, the presented scans are not to be regarded as duplicates as due to inaccessible areas etc deviations from the original might occur

This 3D printable model was digitised in collaboration between Scan the World and The Nationalmuseum, Sweden. The sculpture was scanned in the museum and has been shared with their permission. The model can be downloaded and 3D printed from Scan the World.

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