
Many Spoken Words

Su-Mei Tse (& Jean-Lou Majerus)2009

Mudam Luxembourg – The Contemporary Art Museum of Luxembourg

Mudam Luxembourg – The Contemporary Art Museum of Luxembourg
1499, Luxembourg

A surprising union of used materials, "Many Spoken Words" (2009) by Luxembourgish artist Su-Mei Tse, sets off a multitude of associations. Forming from a basin, dark black ink gushes forth from a garden fountain of baroque inspiration and, as the artist remarks, "expresses the idea of the whole process of language: the way an initial thought or idea develops first into spoken, and then into written words". Through this work, as much visual as it is sonorous, the artist pays homage to literature, evoking the infinite potential of words and the eternal renewing of creation. The multiple and incessant drops of "Many Spoken Words" make the fluidity of the spirit, words, and creativity perceptible, and leave indelible traces.

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  • Titre: Many Spoken Words
  • Créateur: Su-Mei Tse (& Jean-Lou Majerus)
  • Durée de vie du créateur: 1973
  • Nationalité du créateur: Luxembourger
  • Sexe du créateur: Female
  • Date de création: 2009
  • Dimensions physiques: w450 x h220 x d450 cm (Complete)
  • Type: Encre noire, fonte, pierre, pompe
  • Lien externe: Mudam
  • Droits: Collection Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Mudam Luxembourg Acquisition 2009
  • Su-Mei Tse (En collaboration avec Jean-Lou Majerus): Many Spoken Words, 2009, Collection Mudam Luxembourg Source: Mudam
  • Su-Mei Tse (En collaboration avec Jean-Lou Majerus): Many Spoken Words, 2009, Collection Mudam Luxembourg: Su-Mei Tse En collaboration avec Jean-Lou Majerus Many Spoken Words, 2009 Encre noire, fonte, pierre, pompe 220 x ø 450 cm Collection Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Mudam Luxembourg Acquisition 2009 © photo : Andrés Lejona
Mudam Luxembourg – The Contemporary Art Museum of Luxembourg

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