Valentín Carderera described this portrait as follows: ‘Maria Cristina of Bourbon, wife of Ferdinand VII. She is shown standing and is half life-sized. She has her hair in the ‘Bird of Paradise’ style, a very wide headband and comb covered with big diamonds, as well as the three fall earrings going together with the magnificent butterfly necklace (…). The Queen is wearing a white and gold chiffon dress with very open lace trimming with gold carnations and roses. She holds a fan in her right hand. Her cloak is red and embroidered in gold. (…)’. Maria Cristina of Bourbon was the fourth consort of King Ferdinand VII to whom she gave two daughters, being the elder the future Queen Isabella II, born in October 10, 1830. When the King died, Isabella was only three years old and María Cristina then had to assume the regency from 1833 until the uprising of Baldomero Espartero in 1840.