
May Billinghurst to her Mother Page 1

LSE Library

LSE Library
London, United Kingdom

She gives details of forcible feeding techniques throughout the week 'When I appealed to the Matron to stop the forcible feeding she suggested I should appeal at once to the Criminal Court and gave me a form'; and have asked to see Mr Marshall (lawyer). Miss Gay (in next cell) encourages her by tapping the Women's Marseillaise on the wall all the time she is being forcibly fed. Feels specially roused against Dr. Ford whom she describes as 'a heartless brute' Feels sorry for Miss Howe and Miss Marian 'shut away in a distant part of the prison where nobody can hear them.' Is writing all about herself as in her next official letter she will be able to say nothing about herself. With envelope. Postmark Jan 17 1913.

Letter from May Billinghurst to her mother, page 1.

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  • Title: May Billinghurst to her Mother Page 1
  • Date Created: 1913-01-17
  • Type: Document
  • Original Source: LSE Library
LSE Library

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