The mechanical Christmas mountain by Max Vogel (1867– 1943), reconstructed by Karl-Heinz Fischer (born 1952), is the only one of its kind to be found in a museum outside the Erzgebirge region in eastern Germany. 328 figures, many of them moveable, are distributed across a length of 12 m. A staged landscape with buildings and figures placed before a painted backdrop provides an impressive setting for the following biblical scenes:
1. Annunciation to Mary by the Archangel Gabriel; 2. Birth of Christ (Ill. Cat. III.101 (2)); 3. Annunciation to the shepherds; 4. King Herod; 5. The Magi; 6. An angel appears to Joseph in a dream/Flight to Egypt; 7. Murder of the innocents in Bethlehem; 8. Twelve-year old Jesus at the temple; 9. Portrayal of the Mother of God with child; 10. Baptism of Jesus; 11. Jairus’ daughter is raised from the dead; 12. Jesus the good shepherd (Ill.Cat.III.101(12));
13. Jesus and the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well; 15. Sermon on the Mount (Ill. Cat. III.101 (15)); 16. Tripartite temple pyramid (showing Jesus with angels and the twelve apostles); 17. A blind man (The blind man near Jericho); 18. Entry into Jerusalem; 19. The Last Supper; 20. Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane: Mount of Olives; 21. Jesus carrying the cross; 22. Crucifixion; 23. Resurrection (Ill. Cat. III.101 (23)); 24. Jesus on the way to Emmaus.