Michael Holley's Home Computer in 1978. The items in the photo are a Southwest Technical Products 6800 computer with 36k of memory, dual mini floppies, a Hazeltine 1500 video terminal, and a Trendata1000 Selectric printing terminal. The small box on the disk drive is a homebrew 300 baud modem.
This photograph appeared on the front page of the July 1978 issue of the Northwest Computer Club News.
The Northwest Computer Club News was published from 1976 to 1982 by the Northwest Computer Society of Seattle, Washington. Newsletter editor John Aurelius started a "My System" feature in May 1978 that featured a member's home computer system on the front page. The feature ran for 2 years. Gale Sherry took the photographs with a large format view camera that used 4 by 5 inch black and white film. Lighting checks were done with a Polaroid film back.
This negative was scanned on an Epson Perfection V500 Photo in September 2010. The 4 by 5 inch negative was larger than the capacity of the V500 so it was scanned twice. The lower and upper portions were combined with Adobe Photoshop Elements. The negative was stored in a glassine envelope at room temperature for over 32 years. Some defects have grown on the image. These were touched up with Photoshop.
Source: Wikimedia