Latiff Mohidin (1941), born in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia completed his primary education in Singapore. While in Singapore, his precocity in understanding paintings at an early age, earned him the nickname, �'Wonder Boy'�. From 1960 to 1964, Latiff studied art at Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste in Berlin, Germany and did brief residencies in Paris and New York. Inspired by his exploration of Southeast Asia in 1964, Latiff has since produced a series of compelling artworks �- the result of a synthesis between his European experience and the rediscovery of his homeland. He is also a poet who has published several volumes of poetry. The Mindscape series is almost similar to the Langkawi series in its symmetrical treatment of space and non-representational mirror images. It is also a series that reflects Latiff'�s innate immersion in reformatting and re-evaluating his own mystical realities. �'Mindscape'� can be seen as an attempt, in a sketch, to adhere to the immaculacy of the Mindscape series.