
Miniature tea set

XIXe siècle

Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario

Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario
London, Canada

These tiny teacups and fragment of a miniature tea pot are just three of 69,894 artifacts recovered during the Stage Four excavation of the Bishop’s Block site in Toronto, Ontario. They were found in Townhouse 3, which records state cycled through many occupants and served as a boarding house three separate times from 1875-1893. Two other buildings on the site also contained dozens of fragments of miniature tea sets. The tea sets were likely accessories for dolls, many fragments of which were also found on site.

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  • Titre: Miniature tea set
  • Date de création: XIXe siècle
  • Lieu: Toronto, Ontario
  • Type: Jeu
  • Droits: Brad Phillips, Museum of Archaeology
  • Support: Porcelaine
Musée de l'Archéologie de l'Ontario

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