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Miracle of St George and the Dragon. Novgorod

UnknowSecond quarter of 15th century

Русский музей

Русский музей
St. Petersburg, Россия

Hagiographic icons of St George were popular in Byzantine art. St George of Cappadocia was a soldier of noble birth put to death under Emperor Diocletian at Nicomedia on 23 April 303. The central image depicts the most famous episode from the life of the saint — his legendary slaying of the dragon. St George once visited a city named Selem, near which lived a dragon. The monster had to be fed daily with one of the citizens, drawn by lot. The day George arrived, the lot had fallen to the king’s daughter. Resolved that she should not die, the saint went out and killed the dragon. The princess was saved and the people of Selem converted to Christianity.

  • Название: Miracle of St George and the Dragon. Novgorod
  • Годы жизни автора: 1200/1250
  • Пол автора: None
  • Дата создания: Second quarter of 15th century
  • Место создания: Russia
  • Фактические размеры: w420 x h585 x d30 mm (Complete)
  • Тип: icon painting
  • Права: The State Russian Museum, 1937, The State Russian Museum
  • Техника: Tempera on wood
  • Original Title: Чудо Георгия о змие. Новгород
  • Medium Extent: Complete
  • Icon painter: Unknow
Русский музей

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