
Mohammad Hatta

Raden Mas Sayid1945/1950

Unit Pengelola Museum Seni

Unit Pengelola Museum Seni
Jakarta, Indonesia

Mohammad Hatta proclaimed the independence of Indonesia (along with Drs. Mohammad Hatta) on August 17, 1945. One of Indonesia’s leading economists, Hatta is known as the “father of the Indonesian cooperative movement.” His writings include The Economic World Structure and the Conflict of Power (1926), The Co-operative Movement in Indonesia (1957), “Indonesia between the Power Blocs,” Foreign Affairs, vol. 36 (1958), and Past and Future (1960).

Hatta believes cooperatives are modern expressions of the ancient tradition of unanimity versus majority rule, mutual aid, working together, the family-like society, and similar village traditions. Mutual assistance is second nature to our (Indonesian) people. In the Indonesian village social co-operation is performed without regard to exact economic calculations.. This type of social intercourse makes for a strong feeling of solidarity, the feeling harmoniously belonging together.

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  • Judul: Mohammad Hatta
  • Pembuat: Raden Mas Sayid
  • Tanggal Dibuat: 1945/1950
  • Asal: Received as gift from Wereldmuseum Rotterdam
  • Jenis: Wayang Kulit, Wayang
  • Medium: Kulit kerbau, Cat air dicampur perekat
Unit Pengelola Museum Seni

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