A party is taking place at night. A prince sits against a tree, attended by servants and musicians. Wine is served, and three women are providing the company with music. In the foreground, a turbaned man offers a cup of wine to the female musicians, who seem to be laughing at him. The figures are drawn principally in a calligraphic line, although colourful details of the costume, such as inside hems, buttons and undershirts, stand out in strong opaque paint against the buff-coloured paper. The prince's costume receives the most attention; his elaborate fur-lined jacket ensures that he stands out from the other figures. The prince may be a portrait of Shah ʿAbbas II (reigned 1642-66). Muhammad Qasim is known to have painted another portrait of him. A scene depicting the ruler in a relaxed court setting was a popular theme for the frontispiece of a royal manuscript. However, there was also a trend towards collecting single pages of painting, drawing or calligraphy in albums. It is more likely that this scene was produced on an isolated page, as a more general portrait of court life and entertainment.