Collected 1997
Common Name: Muskellunge
Scientific Name: Esox masquinongy
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Pisces
Family: Esocidae
Dimensions: Millimetres: 312 (maximum length)
Museum ID Number: 70936
Image Number: ROM2004_1046_12
Collection Date: June 12, 1997
Description: This juvenile specimen (31.2 cm or 12.3 inches in length) was captured on a ROM field trip to Turkey Creek near Windsor, Ontario. The muskellunge is a popular game fish that grows to lengths of 147 cm (56.5 inches), and to weights of 29.5 kg (65 lbs). Former Curator Emeritus, Dr. E. J. Crossman, studied and published many papers on this and other species of the pike family.
Location: Longitude: 0830556 W; Latitude: 421441 N; '40J/03; about 1 km upstream from Detroit River; described by local as 'most polluted creek in the province, but better than it used to be'; Essex; Sandwich West Twp; Ontario; '2GH04; Turkey Creek; Atlantic Ocean