Sacred plant to the Egyptians and Persians, its name often appears in Greek and Latin mythology. It was a symbol of triumph and victory for the Romans, and with its branches were made garlands, which were used to crown poets and heroes. It was a sacred plant to Venus, and it was also considered a symbol of fertility, insomuch that Pliny called it "myrtus coniugalis". The plant was used for weddings in order to wish a life full of love.The name Myrtus originates from Myrsine, a legendary Greek girl, who was murdered by a young man she had beaten at gymnastics. She was then transformed into a myrtle tree by Pallade. The myrtle is for Jews a symbol of divine grace, peace and joy. Its berries, bluish-black or white, ripen in Autumn and are used for fruit compote and rosoli (Italian liqueur), used to season food, especially meat and wild game.